Compared to other regions, Incheon is close to Seoul and the metropolitan area, so the roads are good for driving while enjoying the sea view and sunset. Ganghwado Island's coastal road is also very well-maintained. People also drive to visit restaurants and cafes.
Ganghwa Coastal Road
(Hwangcheong-ri Pier ~ Janghwa-ri Sunset Viewpoint)
Ganghwa Coastal Road (West) is a 17 km road stretching from the Hwangcheong-ri pier to the Janghwa-ri sunset viewpoint. As you drive along the road, you can see a variety of tourist destinations like Masian Mountain which a lot of hikers visit, Oepo Port where many sushi and crab restaurants are found, and also the beautiful sunset at Janghwa-ri Sunset Viewpoint

794-9, Hwangcheong-ri, Naega-myeon, Ganghwa-gun, Incheon


Southeast of Ganghwa Coastal Road
(Ganghwa Bridge ~ Dongmak Beach)
The southeastern part of Ganghwa Coastal Road is about 24 km from Ganghwa Bridge to Dongmak Beach. If you drive along the eastern coastal road by Yeomgang River, you can see various flowers such as cherry blossoms and azaleas which bloom every year. You can also see forts that were built in the Joseon Dynasty. These forts were built in a place with good views since they were used to monitor enemies. If you go down south, you'll see roadside attractions such as the Jeongdeungsa Temple, the oldest temple in Korea, Ganghwa Mega Luge which has facilities for outdoor activities, and the Dongmak Beach, the leading beach destination in Ganghwa-gun.

96, Ganghwa-daero, Ganghwa-eup, Ganghwa-gun, Incheon

