Initial registration date : 2020.12.23   |  
Date of final update : 2021.09.08   |  
조회수 84

Wolmi Sea Train

※ The information above may have changed since the initial registration date. Be sure to check before you travel.
You can take the Wolmi Sea Train to see the scenery of Wolmi Island, Incheon Inner Harbor, the West Sea and the Incheon Bridge. It is one of the tourist attractions representing Incheon, where you can enjoy the beautiful sunset over the west sea.
Introducing the Wolmi Sea Train
Take a monorail and tour Wolmido Island

The Wolmi Sea Train is the longest-running deep-seated tourist monorail in Korea, with a total of 6.1 km per hour and an average speed of 9 km per hour. Take the train, go around Wolmido Island for about 42 minutes. Enjoy the beautiful scenery of Wolmido Island, Incheon Inner Port, and the West Sea from within a train operating at a height of 7 meters and 18 meters above ground, or visit Wolmido 8 must-visit attractions around these 4 stations, Wolmi Sea Station - Wolmi Park Station - Wolmi Culture Street Station - Museum Station.

On the website, you can find a lot of convenient travel information, such as ticket usage fees, purchase methods, and information on nearby tourist attractions.
* After purchasing a ticket on-site, you can take the first ride at Wolmi Sea Station only, and re-ride at 4 stations twice the same day with the same ticket.
Wolmi 8 Must-Visit Attractions: Silo murals, Wolmisan Mountain (Wolmi Park), Wolmi Culture Street, West Sea Sunset, Lighthouse Road, Incheon Bridge, Incheon Port Gapmun, Incheon Inner Port
Wolmi Sea Train
Tourist Attractions
Wolmi Sea Train
Songwol-dong Fairytale Village, Chinatown (Wolmi Sea Station)
With the west sea in the background, there is a tourist destination where you can feel the history of modern Korean ports and the new trend "retro" culture. Take memorable pictures at Songwol-dong Fairy Tale , which makes you feel like you are in a fairy tale, and head to Wolmi Sea Station, where you can experience all of Incheon's small China and Chinatown.

Wolmi Park, Silo mural (Wolmi Park Station)
When you get off at Wolmi Park Station, you can see Wolmisan Mountain, which was significant as a battlefield of the Civil War. Wolmi Mountain was transformed into Wolmi Park, after a trail was created in 2001. After passing Wolmi Park Station, a huge concrete mural catches the eye. In 2018, the silo mural, the world's largest outdoor mural, was listed in the Guinness Book of Records and became a popular attraction in Incheon.
* Viewpoint: The 16 big cylindrical columns past Wolmi Park Station, the Guinness Book of World Records Silo murals
Theme Route Tour
Sunsets, Lighthouse Road, Incheon Bridge (Wolmi Culture Street Station)
Incheon Bridge appears after passing Wolmi Culture Street Station, where you can see various amusement parks and the sea. Incheon, which is filled with beautiful sunset attractions in the West Sea, offers a spectacular sight, passing by the Wolmi Culture Street Station on a train.

* After completing the train tour, take the train again, get off at Wolmi Culture Street Station and take a leisurely stroll along the lighthouse road to see the Incheon sunset.
Do not forget to take unforgettable photos on the lighthouse road with the Incheon Bridge's pretty lights in the background, one of the most beautiful bridges in Korea.
Incheon Port, Incheon Inner Port (Museum Station)
Incheon Port's Gapmun is the only gate in Korea that controls the level of tide and ebb to safely pass ships. You can visit the Gapmun Public Relations Hall and the Korea Museum of Civil Affairs, where the history of Incheon Port, the starting point of the Incheon Port Project, is displayed.