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Dolmen in Bugeun-Ri

  • Address
    994-12, Ganghwa-daero, Hajeom-myeon,Ganghwa-gun
  • Telephone
  • Website
  • Closing Dates
    Open 24 hr
  • Service Fees
  • Date of final update
  • Initial registration date
It seems that you are looking at the biggest rock under the sky. It is said that more than 500 people were required to put up a 6.5 m long megalith on two pillars. It looks like the owner of the grave was a great leader of the tribe. On Ganghwado Island, there are many dolmens along the foot of Goryeosan Mountain. Among them, Bugeun - ri dolmens are the largest. In 2000, it became a UNESCO World Heritage Site.